

Our services are available to individuals with NOW/COMP waivers who reside in Region 2. We provide a variety of programs designed to empower individuals with developmental disabilities. Our goals are to enhance the quality of life by providing exceptional services, and skills development in order to promote growth and independent living skills needed to improve quality of life.


We provide services for adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities, as well as complex medical and behavioral challenges.   We focus on creating meaningful connections between our residence and the community. The Community Residential Services program includes:

  • 24-hour home-based monitoring 
  • Medication management
  • Community integration
  • Structured activities
  • Independent living skill development
  • Assistance with activities of daily living
  • Transportation


The AdultDay Program serves individuals who live in group homes, with family members or other caregivers. Services are designed to help each person become more independent while developing meaningful relationships with peers, with staff and building community relations. Our programs are committed to maximizing choice, dignity, independence, community inclusion and opportunities for people with significant cognitive, physical and medical disabilities. Our Adult Day Services include the following programs: 
  • Community Access Group
  • Community Access Individual
  • Pre-Vocational Services
  • Supportive Employment Group
  • Natural Support Training
  • Transportation Encounter/Trip

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